I always liked the old days of the vicotiran romance and culture...Nobody cared about sex like today,these perverted days...They were all innocently living their loves.Girls and boys or whatever relationship was not based only to the outside appearance but to the inside also.I wish i am beatiful from the inside too,i do not want beaty if i am a beast from the inside.i do not want to hurt people even if my other personalities want.I want to live in peace and silence.I want and i do not want to live alone in this life.I just want to live like the old days...The days of innocence and beaty,and no like a godamn one night stand whore.
"Flowers fell above her head
his hand approached her hand
a little innocent kiss to the neck
and the sky started crying for this fallen flirt.
The lovers were unfairly judged
like animals being captured and burned
From the other side now they smile
you can always hear their whispers and cry
Roses fell above the sky
bloody tears came through their eyes
The passion still remains
to our undying little hearts
So the night came and everyone slept
But in the grave our souls still remain undead
Will we ever rest in peace?
Or we will just eternally walk through this world which bleed...
Eternally yours...
Eternally with you...
Eternally alone..."
Wicca...Of course almost nobody here will know what wicca means.Wicca is a religion of paganism.I like to call wiccans druids because of their love of their goddess nature and the magic they use based on it.I had a friend who was wiccan,and he explained a lot of things about her religion.I found her wisdom really enlightening and sad too,because she was always complaining about people who think wiccans are bad witches or mages who use black magic etc.Of course such people are puppets of the church who thinks magic is nothing else but satan's works.Why the openminded church who love everyone knows nothing more than to hunt its own children and burn them to death?Wiccans use only good magic and their whole ideology is to protect nature(which contains also humans in it).Their number one rule is:"harm noone or the evil you've done will reaturn bigger".
But that i wrote is just my poor knowledge about this wisdom.I will share you now some texts found on the internet.(photos also found on internet,they do not belong to me).
Wiccan beliefs vary markedly between different traditions. However, various commonalities exist between these disparate groups, which usually include views on theology, the afterlife, magic and morality.
Wiccan believe to a god and a goddess,and that the whole cosmos as alive, both as a whole and in all of its parts", but that "such an organic view of the cosmos cannot be fully expressed, and lived, without the concept of the God and Goddess. There is no manifestation without polarization; so at the highest creative level, that of Divinity, the polarization must be the clearest and most powerful of all, reflecting and spreading itself through all the microcosmic levels as well.Wiccans cast spells or workings during ritual practices, often held inside a sacred circle, in an attempt to bring about real changes in the physical world (these rituals are further explained in the "Ritual practices" section below). Common Wiccan spells include those used for healing, for protection, fertility, or to banish negative influences. Many early Wiccans, such as Alex Sanders, Sybil Leek and Doreen Valiente, referred to their own magic as "white magic",
There exists no dogmatic moral or ethical code followed universally by Wiccans of all traditions, however a majority follow a code known as the Wiccan Rede, which states "an it harm none, do what ye will". This is usually interpreted as a declaration of the freedom to act, along with the necessity of taking responsibility for what follows from one's actions and minimising harm to oneself and others. Another common element of Wiccan morality is the Law of Threefold Return which holds that whatever benevolent or malevolent actions a person performs will return to that person with triple force, or with equal force on each of the three levels of body, mind and spirit, similar to the eastern idea of karma. Both the Rede and the Threefold Law were introduced into the Craft by Gerald Gardner, and subsequently adopted by the Gardnerian and other traditions.
But the most interesting is that according to wiccan religon there exists 5elements and not 4 as most of us knew.
In certain traditions, there is a belief in the five classical elements, although unlike in ancient Greece, they are seen as symbolic as opposed to literal; that is, they are representations of the phases of matter. These five elements are invoked during many magical rituals, notably when consecrating a magic circle. The five elements are Air, Fire, Water and Earth, plus Aether (or Spirit), which unites the other four. Various analogies have been devised to explain the concept of the five elements; for instance, the Wiccan Ann-Marie Gallagher used that of a tree, which is composed of Earth (with the soil and plant matter), Water (sap and moisture), Fire (through photosynthesis) and Air (the creation of oxygen from carbon dioxide), all of which are believed to be united through Spirit.
Victorian gothic is the most beatiful expression of acting and dressing.The whole culture reminds us the dark ages of medievil and victorian life.The followers of the past as i call them,are like princesses and lords of a distant past,lost within themselves,more like fallen and dark aristocrats who lost the meaning of their lives and they are imprisoned into the cage of time until today.Victorian goths usually use the fashion of the past centuries like corsets,long dresses,umbrellas,hats like the old aristocrats in Europe of 18th century.Would you dare to travel through the time into the past and be purified by the wisdom of the dark ages?
Cyber goth is love.Yeah i am talking about those people who are dressed like some kind of insane and fallen androids and spacemen coming from the distant future wanting to warn us about the end days.Unlike victorian gothic,cybergoth's whole culture and dressing are based in future.A person who follows that kind of style usually wears,giant platform boots,strange cyber medusa hairstyle,googles,masks etc like they come from a poisoned lab or something.It is the most extreme style of goth subculture.Have you the guts to follow them to the future?
(photos do not belong to me...they were found on google)
Here again,with more topics in my mind.......mind.....what is really the mind?Is it a labyrinth full of madness
and insanity?Is the line between order and chaos which must remain in balance?I am not sure but who can resist to the madness of his dark self?When insanity absorbs you there is nothing you can do but to obey or die trying.The mind is a mirror...a gate to other worlds...worlds of imagination.The imagination is the monster above the mirror trying to break it and when it does,and the mirror is cracked,you have to collect the broken pieces before you fall...I know this...Many people know this,because madness is in their life.Thanks god i have accepted this dread disease of the mind and i use it positivily.Because madness can take two forms,the one is the lunatic's severe pain of mind and the other is the crazyness of a common person which usually serves as an another form of dark beaty.We have to be strong,we must not let our vices crack the mirror.Do not let the darkness flee from the inside.
Also madness is not only a dark tool which destroys everything,but it offers many bonuses as well.How many prophets were insane and gave their light via their prophecies to the world.How many scientists surrendered to the beast inside them and improved this world.How many mad artists gave so much hope to everyone
via their art.I am telling you this dear people.Madness is a blessing and a curse.It just depents how you use it.
(1st pic belongs to me,2nd pic was found on the net)
hi i am commmonly known as peris,the lunatic,the vampire or the retard with nintedo DS.I created this blog because i like writting and drawing and in no case i created it to publish things for others.I just want to have my toughts and art saved somewhere except my computer.Thank u for understanding.Here i will share my beliefs.
~GOTH::To me, a goth is someone who sees life in a different perspective; someone who can see beauty in something that others cannot. I see beauty in darkness and the exploration of the darkest part of the human soul. I cannot even say how many times people have come up to me asking me if I'm depressed and emo(yeah those stupid people who wanna kill themselves). I always have to tell them No, this is just how I choose to express my self. I can forgive such comments from people who are ignorant about the subject and try to dispel their stereotype ideas. But more annoying still are those that call themselves goth yet know very little of what it actually means. Who says that to be goth you have to ALWAYS wear black clothes, pins, chains, black makeup,and act suicidal and anti-social? By confining ourselves to this behavior and wardrobe, we limit ourselves and become just another group of close-minded people who will only accept those that act and look like us. If we claim to be different in our outlook in life and death, we should also be rational and open minded individuals who, instead of shutting everyone else out, we try to understand them as we wish they understood us. Well, I've written too much for now. Stop.
INTERESTS(some are what i like to others)
~Black clothing
~Light colored makeup
~Pale skin
~Unusual hair-styles
~Body piercing
~Long black nails
~Myths,fantasy,magic etc
~Victorian & Medieval life
~Silver jewelry
~Black & Red Roses
~Church Organs
~Full moon
~Angels on tombstones
~Old things
~Ravens and crows
~Sweet red/black wine
~black chocolate
~Strange people and events
~Places where you can dress however u want(Tokio?)
~Windy cold autumn days
~Dark mysterious twilight
~Many gray clouds covering the sky
~Strange ancient forbbiden places
~Walking at night and sleeping in the day
~Pain & pleasure mixed..(no sadism no sick thingies)
(photo found on net,doesnt belong to me)